Friday, August 17, 2012

Thankfulness Friday - Straw


For two weeks, I've been looking for a decent straw cup for Bun Bun.  Drinking from a straw is the next skill for Bun Bun to learn.  It has great benefits.  Sucking through a straw uses a different set of muscles in the jaw and lips as well as tongue movements than suckling through a nipple.  To activate and use these muscles will actually help with speech later on.

Bun Bun has been weened off the bottle.  She's been drinking through a sippy cup for several months now.  So, now, it's time to try the straw.

Yesterday, I bought some apple sauce in a pouch.  This way, she can wrap her little lips around the opening of the pouch, and I can squeeze the contents for her to get the idea that yummies come out of this strange thing.  After a few squeezes, she figured out how to suck.  It was pretty amazing how quickly she learned.

After looking through toy stores and on-line catalogs, I ordered some take-and-toss straw cups and a little Mr. Juice Bear straw cup.  They should arrive next week.  I think they'll be great!

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