Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mac & Cheese

Mommy made me a silly hat from newspaper ads.

Mommy's baseball cap... it's too big!

Can you see my tooth?  Ain't it cute?

I like my new tooth!

I'm not much of a mac & cheese kind of gal even though I love food of all kinds.  It's just not something I would particularly crave.  Maybe because it's only got 2 or 3 ingredients and doesn't have too much taste.  A couple of weeks ago, we were at a friend's house for dinner where they were serving mac and cheese made by Annie's Homegrown.  Baby Bunny loved them.  Her little fingers were able to pick up the small little shells.  They were soft enough for her to mash up with her gums.  I've been buying them up recently to add more food variety to her diet.  Some end up on her lap and floor, but she ate most of what was on the plate.

We were at the Down Syndrome Growing Up study, conducted by CHOP, earlier today.  Bun Bun's stats will be part of new set of growth charts for individuals with DS.  Current charts are very much out-dated.  They are in their third year of collecting data.  Every time we visit and Bun Bun gets measured for weight, height, fat content, etc, she earns $25.  Yep.  Bun Bun has been earning money!  It's all for science, too!  Today, she weighed about 16.5 pounds.  She's been stuck around 16 pounds for months now.  She has been growing though.  Most of her calories goes to her stretching out vertically.  She is about 2 feet and 3 or 4 inches tall, slightly more than the 50th percentile in her DS peer group.

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