Thursday, April 30, 2015


Tonight, I heard Bun Bun say "Daddy" when we were looking at some family pictures.  Now, her version of "Daddy" is the more approximated "Ah-E"!  But, I will take it.  To me, it was as clear as a bell.  She pointed to pictures with Daddy and said, "Ah-E"!  It's a huge milestone for Bun Bun.  This calls for celebration!

The child has undergone some major changes in just the last 2 or 3 weeks.  At school, she has been a lot more attentive.  She has been following verbal directions a lot better.  She transitions from one activity to the next with much less fuss.  She sits and listens to her teacher during circle time.

At home, she marches herself up to the bathroom when I tell her it's bath time.  She might whine all the way up the steps, but Daddy no longer has to drag her.  Through most of the winter, she was watching Signing Time and learning the ABC signs.  This prompted her to attempt saying the letters as she signs.  She knows pretty much all the letters in American Sign Language and the numbers 1 through 10.  Her annunciation of vowels and some of the easier consonants (like P or M) are much better than the harder ones, but you can still make out that she's trying to say F or W.  Her speech therapist has noted some significant progress in her willing to imitate and vocalize some words.  In fact, all of her therapists have noted some great progress over the month.

We are still working on "Mama".

"And she will..."

A proud Bun Bun with her stacked blocks.  She wears glasses mostly just at school.  This newer pair makes her look older but smarter!

Family photo with "Ah-E"

Bun Bun's new wheels!  The new trike is still a little bit too big for her.

Here, we were waiting for the Popovich Pet Theater Show to start.  Bun Bun stayed attentive through most of the show even though I could tell she was getting really tired; she couldn't stop clapping.  Glasses helped her see the stage far away.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter 2015

My favorite time of the year!  Spring flowers are starting to bloom.  One lonely little daffodil blooming in the front of the house.  Buds are slowly appearing on trees.  Everything seems late this spring.  We've had a long, cold winter with moderate amount of snow.

It is finally somewhat warm enough for Bun Bun to play outside.  It's nearly impossible to coax her back in.  Bun Bun's has been working on her core strength a lot over the winter.  She is now able to climb on on the slides by herself, pretty much without assistance.

We had an Easter egg hunt after church yesterday.  Here she is executing her skills and feeling quite proud.  She's thrilled to be swinging on the swings for big kids, no more those bucket seats for babies.

Big kids swing!

Watching my favorite shows in my easy chair!