Friday, January 6, 2012

Thankfulness Friday - Tummy Time

I'm working!  I'm working!
To help gain head control, build up arm muscles, and firm up the abs, babies do tummy time.  They lie on their stomachs, prop up on elbows, and lift up their heads.  With practice and lots more tummy time, they'll prop up on their hands, tuck in their knees, and start the crawling position.  Baby Bunny has been doing a lot of tummy time lately.  She hasn't quite made it to propping on her hands, but I think she's very close.  We still have a little bit of time before she gets into the crawling position and thus start baby-proofing the house. 

This week, I discovered that Bun Bun has a hot temper.  She was already very exhausted from a morning of PT.  I took her to the doctors for weight, length, and other measurements.  She was NOT happy and started to wail.  Not even food or Mama time could assuage her.  She wanted out of there.  No more doctors.  No more nurses.  Don't talk to me, don't even look at me!  Get me out of here!  She cried and cried.  Poor girl.  She eventually calmed down, had a nice visit at Mama's work, and ate lunch with her colleagues.  She even visited Mama's lab and saw growing yeast cells.  It was a busy day.  She zonked out for the night and the entire next day.

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