Friday, October 26, 2012

Thankfulness Friday - Wheeee!

Baby Bunny loves the swing!  She's on a giggle fest when she gets on it.  The weather has been nice still for us to be outside. It's not going to be like this for long though.  In fact, we're expecting hurricane Sandy in a couple of days.  All the weather folks on TV says that this is going to be really bad.  There will be lots of rain and wind.  Power might go out.  This is one of those rush to the grocery store and stock up an supplies kind of storms.

Going down the slide with Daddy is fun!
The video is Bun Bun putting a bucket on her own head.  She likes to empty out all the small toys from the bucket and play with it.  It apparently builds up her core strength and encourages her to use both hands.

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