Friday, October 12, 2012

Thankfulness Friday - Super Why!

"Super Why!" is a kids' TV show on PBS.  It's aimed for kids who are just starting to read.  Bun Bun is obsessed with the show.  Whenever it's on TV, she'd become glued to it.  If you stand in front of the TV blocking her view, she'll shift her weight and look around you.

There are four main characters on the show:  Pig, Little Red Riding Hood, Whyatt Beanstalk, and Princess Pea.  They all have super powers.  Pig becomes Alpha Pig and can build letters of the alphabet.  Little Red Riding Hood becomes Wonder Red who has word power.  Whyatt Beanstalk becomes Super Why and has the power to read.  Princess Pea becomes Princess Presto who has spelling powers.  They live in Storybook Village and must read stories to solve mysteries.

Maybe it's the music, colors, or the characters' big eyes...  This is Baby Bunny's latest obsession.

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