Friday, October 5, 2012

Thankfulness Friday - Choices

Baby Bunny's OT suggested having her choose between two things.  It started with toys.  We'd hold out two toys and let her play with whichever one she reaches out to touch first.  Soon, it was choosing between two books.  We noticed immediately that she has favorites.  She would almost always pick one book over another.  What we thought she had always liked, she actually would never pick.   I've now started to give her choices for the shirts and pants she would wear.  So far, it has been shirts with faces on them, mostly monkey faces.  She also has been picking a matching pair of pants.  It's been very cute to watch her hesitate sometimes before making a decision.  Maybe she really can't decide?   Maybe she knows what she wants when the decision is quick?  Ultimately, she would reach up and with her dainty fingers, tap her choice.  I would like to know what goes on inside her head.

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