Friday, November 2, 2007


We're in the thick of fall. It is finally getting seasonably cold. For most of October, the temperature had been relatively warm. So, just this week, the leaves have finally begun to turn the beautiful gold, yellow, and red colors. It is pretty! I, for one, don't like the fall as much as I love spring. With the leaves falling, animals disappearing, birds not singing as much, and no more crickets chirping, it's kind of depressing. It's also hard not to think about the deadness of winter that is right around the corner. Yes, snow is pretty but it is few and far in between. Now, spring is what I live for when the birds sings again, the leaves burst out in majesty, and the everything is green again. There's life! Everything is seemingly new again!


MW (My Wish) said...

Well I know how you feel living in the NE of the country. I, on the contrary, am trying to savor the only time of the year when we can enjoy the "just right" temperature. Spring is nice although ours here is always too short before the heat stikes on us.

MadeInTaiwan said...

Spring is defintely my favorite time of the year. I love the rain, the colors, the temperature, everything about it. Most of all, the prospect of summer.