Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Chagrin [she grin'] n. embrarrassment and annoyance due to failure, diasppointment, etc -vt. -grined', -grining to cause to feel chagrin (Webster's Dictionery)

This is Chagrin Falls. It is also the name of a little town outside of Cleveland, OH. I assume the town was named after the falls. The falls were chagrin because this is it. A couple of friends and I were in Chargin Falls for the weekend attending the Truth for Life Conference at Parkside Church. The conference was most definitely NOT chagrin. It was a mountaintop experience to be fed from God's word via a pastor who isn't afraid to speak the truth even though it is very difficult to hear.

As for the little town of Chagrin Falls, it has a fabulous popcorn/ice cream shop. Yum!!

1 comment:

MW (My Wish) said...

This is just gorgeous. Thank you for sharing.