Wednesday, November 21, 2007


We bid farewell to "Silver" last Sunday. Silver was Mom's 240 station wagon. It was finally retired, at least by us. It is now in the possession of Purple Heart, and will hopefully get a second life after some repairs. It will now at least bring some money for a worthy cause, benefiting war veterans.

We sure had some fond memories in that car. We drove it down to Florida in 1991, to Pittsburgh and Chicago in 1993 (I was not on that trip... was interning in NYC that summer), to Cape Cod in 1999. It brought me back and forth from college and home. It moved me to West Philadelphia in 1997 and home again in 1999. M rear ended another car on the way to the airport picking up Dad. Among other trips in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, it served us well. It was sad to say goodbye to it!

1 comment:

MW (My Wish) said...

Farewell, Silver. We will miss you....