Friday, July 22, 2016


I've been on the hunt for soft and comfy bed sheets for Bun Bun's twin bed, and I can't believe how expensive they are, especially the ones that are good quality flannel or jersey knit.  Last week, while we were at Costco, we came across some relatively cheaper sheet sets, ones with flowers and wiener dogs.  After I asked, Bun Bun picked the one with the dogs even though they were somewhat masculine.  If she wasn't there, I probably would have bought the one with the flowers.

Usually, when I ask her to make a choice, I put the items in front of her and she would point to the one she wants.  Last night, when I asked her if she wanted the wiener dog or another set of sheets with monkeys on her bed, she said, "Dog".  Just in case you missed that... she SAID, "Dog"... out loud, clear as a bell.

This is the first time I have ever heard her answer me vocally without being prompted!

Now, we dance the dance of joy!

Bun Bun has been working really hard in speech therapy, both at school and at an out-patient clinic.  She has been using an iPad app, Proloquo2go, to help her talk.  She is more willing to vocalize her wants and needs.  I look forward to the day when she can come home from school and tell me how her day was.

For now, we, again, dance the dance of joy!

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