Friday, May 4, 2012

Thankfulness Friday - $40 Hair Clippers


... after
Since I moved out of Mom's house, Doggie has been very much neglected.  When I lived with her, she at least got some grooming... mats brushed out and unruly facial hair snipped.  And, she would at least get a bath every couple of months.  With busyness at work and the baby, I haven't had much time.  Recently, Mom and Sister were desperate for her to be groomed.  Groomers in the area are always booked for months.  There was no waiting.  So, in two installments, Doggie got a bath one fine Saturday then hair clipped the following Saturday.  

Several years ago, I had bought a pet grooming kit for about $40 at Walmart; I have definitely gotten my money's worth since each visit to the groomers is at least 50 smackers.  I don't dare to claim that know what I'm doing here, and I'm glad the resolution of these pictures aren't the best.  At least for now, Doggie can feel lavender fresh, mat free, and a bit cooler.

News from home:
For two mornings in a row, when I go to wake up Bun Bun, I find her sleeping on her stomach.  I'm not sure at what point of the night she decided to roll over from her back, and I don't know if she then rolls to her back again, etc.  It's rather cute.

News from work:
This is the week of final exams.  I am glad for the semester to end.  I can focus on getting my manuscript finished and submitted.  On the other hand, I will be sorry to see a cohort of my students graduate next Saturday.  All in all, this has been one of the best semesters.  I had a fantastic group of students in one of my classes.  They asked lots of great questions during lecture and really showed that they were thinking about the material.  I will miss them all.  Come Monday, manuscript and play time in the lab!

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