Monday, August 18, 2008

Doris, part II

Doris set up her web twice more before saying good-bye. She was most likely a garden orb weaver. Spiders like Doris weave fancy webs for the night to catch prey, then pretty much eat back the web before dawn, including what they caught. One night, I saw what looked like a male garden orb weaver idling at the edge of Doris's web. She might have mated with him, then ate him, too! Such is the circle of life! That following night, I saw Doris twice more, but she didn't weave anymore webs and was just hanging on to the siding of the house. She was probably resting from her gluttonous buffets. I haven't seen Doris since... The weather has been on the cold side, rare for August. With some heavy storms that followed, Doris was smart to pack up and leave.

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