Friday, May 25, 2007


This is our chestnut tree in the back yard (left). These are pictures from last year. Soon, we will see these funny pipe-cleaner-looking blossoms that smell horrible (middle). But, after that, little pods of chestnut fruits will begin to develop (right). Around late September-early October, these pods will have gotten to be about the size of a tennis ball. Inside each of them contains 2-3 big fat chestnuts. When the nuts fully ripen, the pods will crack and fall to the ground. If we beat the squirrels to them, it's delicious chestnut and chicken for dinner! Doggie's hair has detered the stupid squirrels from coming near the bottom of the tree. But, these pesty rodents are smart enough to jump from other trees nearby. If I had my wish, I'd wish for squirrels who are afraid of heights and who hate chestnuts! Can you tell that squirrels and I are not on friendly terms?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Hip replacement

Last Friday, I took a day off and went for a hike through a park. It was just lovely! I was so sore afterwards, felt like I needed a hip replacement. It was nice and relaxing nonetheless, and I love that woodsy smell. These pictures are not of the park I went to last Friday. These were pictures taken almost 2 years ago in Colorado, notice the aspen trees with the white trunks. There are no such aspen trees like these in Pennsylvania, nor huge tall mountains like the Rockies of Colorado.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


I have graded all my exams and lab reports and submitted all my grades for the semester. I am D-O-N-E!!! I am suprised to be this happy. It has been a long, hard academic year. I am glad it is finished and have already learned SO much, perhaps even more than my students, even more than what they have all learned combined! I look forward to making improvements and build up on the little bit of foundation I had laid.

Summer vacation... yes and no

I have no classes to teach this summer. I can't stay home all summer either. However, I call laboratory research work my play time, which is what this summer will be for me. So, it really will be summer vacation for me!

I am looking forward to taking a couple of days off here and there and spend at least one of them on a personal retreat. It'll just be me and Jesus!