Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Third Birthday Extravaganza!

We've had a blast of a weekend celebrating Bun Bun's third birthday!  It started on Sunday with cake, presents, and a baby pool!  Bun Bun got the best presents (EVER!) from Pop-pop - a bag of potato chips and a box of tissues.  If you know Bun Bun well enough, you'd know that she LOVES salty snacks (just like her daddy) and wanting to pull out all the tissues from a tissue box (Mama would never approve!).

On Monday, we went down to the beach.  Bun Bun had a blast standing by the shore watching and waiting for the waves to wash over her toes.  She let out shrills of excitement with each splash.  There was even a little girl (probably 5 or 6) that joined us in the fun.

A week before Bun Bun's birthday, I was reminiscing the events three years ago:  the swollen ankles, July 4th party at a friend's house, Tuesday morning prayer meeting, the high blood pressure at the doctor's office, preeclampsia, and meeting Baby Bunny for the first time.  You can read those old blog posts:  10 Weeks, Part 1 and Part 2.  Today, I encountered a blog post by John Simmons on how to deliver the Down Syndrome diagnosis to the newborn's parents.  I thought it was one of best pieces ever written.  We have already encountered some of the things Mr. Simmons wrote about and will look forward to many of the rest.

Happy third birthday to my favorite Bun Bun!  I'm looking forward to another year being amazed by little you!

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