Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Happy New Year!

A belated happy new year, blog readers!

Yesterday, Baby Bunny turned exactly 30 months old, or two and a half! 

It was a "Polar Vortex" day when the thermometers read 6 degrees fahrenheit, but the nasty winds made it feel like 20-some degrees below zero.  It was chilly!  Effects of global climate change - a topic for another day...

We all ventured out anyway with fuzzy hats and layers of clothing.  We went to check out a pre-school program for Bun Bun.  Yes, we have enrolled her in a Mom-Morning-Out program once a week, for now.  Today was officially Bun Bun's first day of school.  I think she had a blast.  The teachers all thought she did great.  She didn't cry when we left her there.  In fact, she got right down to work on a puzzle.  When we went to pick her up, we found her letting out shrills of laughter; she was having a ball (literally and figuratively) in a moon bounce.  This will be a great start for her daily pre-school program and some academic routine when she turns 3 this summer.  We hope in the coming weeks, there will be room for her to attend on Fridays.  The program likes to keep the ratio of students per teacher low.  Right now, they only have spaces available on Wednesday.

Here are some pictures from today and from over my vacation.

Moon bounce at school today!
First day at preschool

Baby Bunny tackling one good book.  I suppose she'll want to watch the trilogy afterwards.
I think she's more fascinated with flipping the pages in books.  She's got in her hand the Anne of Green Gables series, her name sake and my favorite books.

Stacking with Daddy!

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