Bun Bun is actually a very good problem solver. Her solutions are a bit different from what other people might think. All three of her therapists say she has her own agenda. She does things her own way.
Exhibit A - Sitting Up
From lying down on her stomach, she swings her legs out into a full split position. Then she props herself up on her arms into an upright sitting position. At last, she swings her legs from the side to the front. It's an effective way for her, but not the best way. Her PT rather wants her to rotate and swing both legs to the side and use the oblique muscles on her sides.
Exhibit B - Taking Things out from a Box
If something is in a box or container that doesn't come out initially, instead of holding the box firm with one hand and repositioning the object to get it out with her other hand, Bun Bun will grab firm the object and shake it loose out of the container. Hey! It works!
She loves to stand in her cribs. She gets up on her knees first, then grab on the to railing to pull herself to stand. Then, she flashes a big smile... so proud of herself!
She isn't creeping yet (moving on hands and knees). I wonder how she'll learn to do that.
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