Friday, June 29, 2012

Thankfulness Friday - Deadline

Today is the deadline for submitting all external review materials for tenure to the Dean's office.  The second draft of the manuscript is now completed.  My research description is at a good place.  My publications have been photocopied.  Next in line is burning CD's with the same material.

I can take a quick breather before the onslaught tackling the rest of my to-do list for the summer:

1.  Formally submit manuscript
2.  Work on the full tenure dossier
3.  Organize seminar for the next academic year
4.  Put together Immunology lab manual
5.  Start the Worm lab manual
6.  Think about the next grant proposal

This weekend, I am going to enjoy my time with Bun Bun and her daddy.  We might go to the beach so Bun Bun can play in the sand.  Or, since it will be beastly hot this weekend, we might just stay at home and do nothing!  Yup.  That sounds good, too.

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