Sunday, May 17, 2020


Bun Bun lost her 9th tooth today.  There had been a loll for a couple of years, and the dentist did warn me that more will be coming out.  I suspected that one could be loose since she had been playing with something in her mouth.

It is now just over two whole months since the PA governor sent everyone home to mitigate the infectious SARS-CoV2.  There doesn't seem an end in sight, although some trends are showing we're headed in a downward trajectory in the number of new infections.  Our county and our township, in particular, have been hard hit with four large assisted living facilities, between the most vulnerable population of people and the staff who takes care of them.  People are getting antsy.  It's understandable that many people have lost their jobs and want to be working again to provide for their families.  People are social beings and want to be with friends and families.  The college students have missed 2 months of school.  Seniors have graduated via virtual commencement exercises.  Nothing will ever be the same again even if the case counts plummet and the governor re-open the state tomorrow.  Until there's vaccine or greater than 70% of the population have recovered from the infection, we'll be wearing masks and staying 6 feet apart from each other.

Not sure what school will look like over the summer or in the fall for Bun Bun.  Since mid-March, we've been doing school at home.  Bun Bun sees her awesome teachers almost everyday for about 30 min.  We do school assignment via an iPad app.  She continues her therapies and even has her dance class on-line.  Will this continue into the fall is anyone's guess.

One thing I do know for sure is that Bun Bun has been talking more.  There's a feedback loop where as she's talking more, we are able to understand her more, and she realizes that she can get what she wants when she asks.  She's steadily gaining more vocabulary words and reading with more confidence.  It has been the silver lining!

And, I am reminiscing the fun Taiwan trip and all the yummy foods we enjoyed this time a year ago.  Sigh!  Taiwan wouldn't be a bad place to wait out this pandemic!

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