Thursday, December 19, 2019


Ever since I was a small child, I've loved the smell of brand new books - the ink, the fresh pages never before touched by a human hand, all of it!  The start of the new school year always meant new books.  Schools in America recycle most of their textbooks.  After a short while, that new book smell is replaced by musty, library kind of smell.  So, I would have to get my new book fixes by buying books from store books.  I was always glad that my mom never opposed to buying me new books.  I am the same way with Bun Bun; she has a nice collection of all sorts of books.  It warms my heart to see her flip through them, study the images on each page, and run her little finger across the words.

With lots of time for reading during my commute into the city, I'm always on the lookout for new reading material.  Buying new books can get expensive very quickly.  Borrowing them from the library would solve that problem and go easy on my wallet.  But, they are very heavy and are adding a lot of additional weight to my backpack.  That heaviness is felt even more along my 15-min brisk walk to the train station.  What's something that can solve both problems, you ask?  How about reading apps on electronic devices that I already own?  What's even better is borrowing eBooks from the library!  It's not quite the same, not being able to smell and flip through the pages; but I'm slowly adapting to technology in the 21st century.  Alas!

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