Friday, March 24, 2017

A conversation

Me:  Do you want to go to 婆婆's house?
Bun Bun:  No, uh-uh.
Me:  Do you want to go home?
Bun Bun:  Home.

I believe this may be the first conversation I have ever had with Bun Bun.  Speech has been and continues to be a struggle for her.  Since she started kindergarten back in September, she has been making slow and steady progress.  I think back around Christmas break, she started to watch tons of YouTube videos with children's songs.  When Bun Bun is muttering to herself and pairing hand gestures, we can clearly see that she is singing her favorite songs.  It all started with "Head and Shoulders" then she added the "Finger Family Song" and "Wheels on the Bus" to her repertoire.  Now, she sings along with gestures to many others.  It's been really encouraging to hear her use more words.  Teaching her sign language is paying off big time since she will use that to help her listeners understand what she is trying to say.

Here are some recent pictures.

We attended the Bobcat Pride Breakfast at Bun Bun's school; it was on St. Patrick's day, and we got our picture taken with the school mascot - the Bobcat.  Bun Bun wasn't quite sure what to make of the creature.  She would not have had the courage to have her picture taken with it alone.
A portrait of Daddy by Bun Bun, circa 2017
Bun Bun works really hard at school.  Here she is tracing and ordering numbers 0 through 10 all on her own, without any help!  She has learned the alphabet, capital & lower case, and numbers through at least 20, most likely more.
One perk of my job is attending fantastic scientific conferences.  The bonus is when the conference takes place in Banff, Alberta, Canada amidst the beautiful Canadian Rockies.  This was the view from the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel.
I got to fulfill a life-long dream and ice skated on the nearby frozen and very beautiful Lake Louise.

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