Friday, February 13, 2015

And she will...

"And she will..." has been ringing in my ears, a lot lately.

This was something one of the NICU nurses said to me when Bun Bun was just a few days old.  I wish I remembered her name, but I can still picture her face.  She said it with a big smile and a chuckle.  It was probably in response to me being impatient about Bun Bun not yet learning to suck, swallow, and breath.  In those days, it took her almost an hour to drink a tiny amount of milk.  She would keep falling asleep; preemies are always really tired.

"And she will."

She did!  Bun Bun has come a long way from those days.  She can chug down a whole glass of orange juice all at once now.  If she was really hungry, can gobble down her dinner in no time.

Bun Bun turned exactly three and a half earlier this month.  Talking is still very much a big challenge for her.  She babbles a lot, now with more varied syllables than a mere two or three months ago.  She is still able to communicate using signs.  She can understand almost everything you tell her or ask of her.  She can imitate some words.  We hope she will be able to speak coherent words soon.

And she will.

Last summer, after failed attempt at potty training, we will have another go at it when the weather gets warmer.  We hope for better results this time.  Not having to buy diapers will be a good change.  I've been trying really hard not to call her Baby Bunny any more.  Maybe she will do what big girls do - go potty on the big toilet and transition her out of the crib into a toddler bed.

And she will.

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