Thursday, October 10, 2013


Bun Bun has been busy.  She has been busy with pens and crayons.  Her OT has been working on her hand-writing skills - vertical lines, horizontal lines, and circles - and how she holds writing tool in her hand.  This helps her with not just writing later but with staying at attention to a task.  When she draws on a vertical or slanted surface, she is actually building up her core trunk strength as she crosses mid-line stretches her right arm pass her left arm.  So, she has been busy with a ball-point pen.  She's been drawing on paper, walls, and her shoes.

Her artwork on paper has been pretty impressive - nice firm strokes.  Her work on the wall was strongly discouraged early on.  (Thankfully, it's kind of behind some curtains and hard to see anyway.  And, no, we didn't beat her to stop her from drawing on walls.)  On her shoes, that's a very different story.  Over the summer, I had bought her a pair of cute purple booties.  I waited all summer for the weather to cool down and her feet to get bigger so she can wear them.  Last week, she took a red pen and drew all over them (pictures to come later).

We hit another milestone last night when Daddy and Mama went to the movies and left Baby Bunny home with a babysitter.  Daddy and Mama went to see "Gravity" (best movie I've seen in a long, long time).  Baby Bunny stayed home with Diana, a church friend (note: not a family member!).  She did OK.  According to Diana, Bun Bun cried for just a little bit.  After they read "Goodnight Moon" about 10 times, Bun Bun went to bed.  She was asleep when we got home.

More signs:

30.  Horse
31.  Bus

Cutie!  You can see her art work on her shoes, although not very clear.

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