Saturday, June 22, 2013

Dresses & Apple

Baby Bunny has lately acquired several cute little dresses.  She looks super cute in them.  I tried to take pictures.  But, the girl is obsessed with cameras, cell phones, and iPads/iPods.  If she sees anyone with one of them in hand, she'll be magnetized to it.  My little iPod touch doesn't take pictures very well even though it's a nice little gadget.  Most of the pictures I take with it is blurry, because Bun Bun is always moving and walking towards me as soon as she sees me with it.  This picture came out pretty well despite the girl wanting to touch the iPod and play with it.  Sometimes, she just likes to hold it in her little hands, flip through the photo album, and look at pictures of herself.  I'm not a big fan of Apple's labor practices, but have to give kudos to Apple products, for making them kid friendly.  Even a toddler with special needs has figured out how to use them, open up apps, and be entertained.

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