Tuesday, April 30, 2013

End of the semester

Tomorrow is the last day of classes.  Then, the students enter a week of final exams for the real end of the semester and the start of summer vacation.  It will be summer vacation for some.  For those who are graduating, it'll be entering the real world of employment or more school (professional or graduate).

It'll be pretty much be the same for me.  I will have two research students in the lab.  I will also be working on a grant proposal due at the end of June.  First, I will be spending 2+ glorious weeks with Baby Bunny.

婆婆 is going on vacation.  She leaves soon after the week of final exams and returns at the end of May.

Baby Bunny and I will have some fun day trips.  She and I will stroll through parks, looking at and smelling pretty flowers.  Maybe we'll go to the local farm and look at sheep and goats.  Maybe she'll learn some more signs.

At weigh-in today, Bun Bun is exactly 20.6 pounds.  She's gaining weight steadily as she should.  She is very active and just figured out that instead of crawling from point A to B, it's a lot easier just to walk.  Yup.  She's been walking lots.

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