Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thankfulness Friday - Thankful

It will be Thanksgiving Day this coming Thursday.  I have been posting "Thankfulness Fridays" for a year now.  It's hard to believe!

I read over some of my blogs from the past year and am so thankful for the little things and the big things that transpired.  I am thankful for the ginormous milestones Baby Bunny made just this summer.  I am thankful for my job.  I am all the more thankful for my family, especially John.  (He celebrates a birthday tomorrow... Happy Birthday!)  I am thankful for my mom who takes wonderful care of Bun Bun so I can go to work everyday.  Thankful, most of all, for Bun Bun, who makes my little world so much brighter everyday.

Here's a video of Baby Bunny this morning.  She sits like the big boss, taps her hands, and lets out a big belly laugh.

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