Monday, April 4, 2011

It's a girl!

It's been a busy winter! Trek through Taiwan in early January was spectacular. It was wonderful to see relatives (Grandma especially, aunts, uncles, cousins). It was great fun to show John around the Island and take him to the old homestead.

It wasn't so much fun to be in the first trimester of pregnancy though and traveling through Taiwan at the same time where it's an island of food, glorious food. It was actually quite miserable to have no appetite when there was so much good food to eat at all times of the day and everywhere! I still took in as much as I could.

This spring semester has been hectic. The students either have spring fever or senioritis. It's been hard to engage and motivate them.

Today, the baby is about 21 weeks old. The first ultra sound revealed that it's a girl! Here's looking forward to pink bows, puffed sleeves, and tea parties! I think she's going to look like John and will have lots of hair when she's born.

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