Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Fun from the summer

Bun Bun attended bike camp and was learning how to steer and pedal.

Bun Bun turned 9 years old...

... and started 4th grade.

We discovered a park nearby that had a creek, great for throwing in rocks and making big splashes. 


Sour dough bread


Thanksgiving 2020

There doesn't seem to be a lot to be thankful this year on the whole.  We are deep in another giant surge in COVID-19 infections.  Many people in this country are not taking it seriously.  Personal freedom overshadows sacrifice for the greater good.

Yet, there is a lot to be thankful for...

Many people are taking this pandemic seriously.  While we wait for the vaccine to be manufactured and distributed, there are those who are careful - wearing masks, staying far away from crowds, remaining at home, and even volunteering for vaccine trials.

There's a sense of community for people helping those in need.  Over the weekend, I dropped off a bag of canned goods at a local church.  The parking lot was filled with volunteers sorting all kinds of food.  You can find kindness everywhere, and it isn't too hard.

In less than 2 months, we'll have a new President.

I still have a job that I love.

I have a warm home.

I have my family, and everyone is well.