About a month ago, I finally figured out that she's been saying Disney World. Oh!! Disney World!! One day, we'll go. One day! We've made it an incentive for Bun Bun to speak with clarity.
Bun Bun has been making great progress in speech. She is able to enunciate new words she has learned with fairly good accuracy. It's those words she learned when she was a toddler that has been much harder to correct. Book is still doot. Bye remains dye. Her /k/ sounds like /t/. She says, "Daddy, loot! Loot, Daddy!" Her friend, Jack, is Jact.
It is so much fun to have more conversations with her. She is increasingly able to answer questions beyond "yes" or "no". Even though she is obsessed with princesses, she does not want to be called Princess Potato. It does get her to laugh and protest!
What has been the most exciting is her conquering the zipper! It's been an IEP goal for at least 2 years. Bun Bun has had no problem pulling the zipper once the ends of hooked up but just didn't have the finger strength or coordination to engage the zipper. On every progress report, it's been small baby steps. Over Christmas break, she at last managed to put on her winter jacket and zip completely without any help. We celebrate and move on to tackle small buttons next!